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There are many reasons that you may need to have part or all of your electrical installation inspected and tested. It could be a change in house ownership or maybe you have decided to rent out your property, It could be for a landlord, for insurance purposes or maybe just for peace of mind. Whatever the reason, here at Bevan Electrical Services we provide full range of electrical testing and inspection services.
Every electrical installation deteriorates with age and use. It is essential that every installation is well maintained and tested regularly - ensuring the safety of its users are not at risk. According to the Health & Safety executive, more than 2000 fires a year are caused by faulty electrical appliances. Legislation exists to protect the interests of employers, employees and tenants as well as other users of portable electrical equipment.
All properties should have its electrical installation tested and certified at regular intervals. An Electrical Installation Condition Report (also known as periodic inspection) checks every part of the installation and will reveal any potential hazards, identify any defective work, and also highlight any earthing problems. All fuses or circuit breakers are checked, and Residual Current Devices are tested to make sure they trip under fault conditions.
If you are a landlord, you have a responsibility to ensure the property you let out is fit for purpose, this includes electrical wiring. An Electrical Condition Report is required at each change of tenancy or every 5 years to verify that the installation has not been changed or damaged by previous tenants.
An Electrical Installation Condition Report is recommended every 5 years for home owners.
Bevan Electrical Services can provide the following testing & inspection services:
Part P Certification
Electrical Installation Certification
Minor Works Certification
Electrical Installation Condition Reports (EICR)
Visual Condition Reports
Fixed Electrical Testing & Inspection (EICR)

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